Pagan at Heart

At peace with myself and the world… or at least headed that way

Archive for the month “June, 2013”

“☼ Celebrate So…

“☼ Celebrate Solstice! Shaman’s Well provides some thoughtful ideas on how to celebrate the SUN ☼


Make a small sun wheel garden, either indoors or out using the flowering herbs of vervain and St John’s Wort and Sun herbs such as frankincense, juniper, rosemary and saffron and all yellow or golden flowers. Arrange them in the form of a wheel and fill in the center with tiny golden crystals or glass nuggets. You can breathe in the golden light from your living sun wheel.

Light sun oils, frankincense, juniper, rosemary, orange or benzoin or burn them as incense to bring the sun power into your home or workplace.

Cast golden flowers or herbs into the air from a hill, a handful at a time, making empowerments for courage and achievement to the winds. Where they land and take root represents in the old traditions places of buried treasure or in this case symbolizes new or buried talents you can develop to realize your hidden potential.” ~ Sustain, Create, Flow

Thought this was really beautiful. Happy summer solstice to you!

Menstruation for Buddhist Women by Oxana Poberejnaia

oxanaNot all, but many women menstruate. The menstrual cycle is a contentious areas for feminists. Even men who aspire to be a feminist tend to find it difficult to deal with it. Inappropriate jokes ensue, and completely ignoring the issue is also a popular option.

My journey along a feminist path and toward the Sacred Feminine necessarily included working with my menstrual cycle. In this, Women’s Wisdom and the Menstrual Cycles articles  and Womb Blessings by Miranda Gray have been most helpful.

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The Five Pointed Star & How I’m Not a Satanist

Good to know.

Candidate for Lt. Governor of Virginia: Witchcraft “Wrong and Dangerous”

Birth as a Shamanic Experience by Molly Remer

How beautiful! I look forward to the time when I can share in the beauty that is pregnancy and childbirth.

editMollyNov 083Childbirth is a rite of passage so intense physically, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually, that most other events in a woman’s life pale next to it. In our modern lives, there are few remaining rituals of initiation, few events that challenge a person’s mettle down to the very core. Childbirth remains a primary initiatory rite for a woman.” –Maren Hansen (MotherMysteries)

When I was pregnant with my first baby, I read an article with the theme of “Birth as a Shamanic Experience.” I can no longer find the exact article (online or printed), but I distinctly remember my feeling upon reading it: I was entering into a mystery. Giving birth was big. Bigger than anything I’d ever done before and it went beyond the realm of a purely biological process and into something else. Like shamanic experiences, giving birth is often described as involving a sense of connection to the…

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