Pagan at Heart

At peace with myself and the world… or at least headed that way

Archive for the tag “mythology”

Exploring the Old Goddesses

Lately I’ve been looking for a patron goddess (and perhaps a god). There are lists and lists of deities out there, but I am looking for the goddess whose name and area of influence speaks to me personally.

Here are the ones who have jumped out at me (there are a lot):

Airmid: Celtic goddess of healing, medicine, and Spring; brings the dead back to life

Arianrhod: Welsh Celtic goddess of air, reincarnation, full moons, the stars, karma, the Wheel of the Year, the web of fate, and retribution

Brigit: Irish Celtic goddess, midwife, protector of women and children; ruled over agriculture, healing, divination, occult knowledge, poetry, prophecy, and metal work

Cerridwen: Welsh Celtic goddess of the moon, magic, poetry, music, luck, earth, agriculture, art, science, astrology, death, and fertility; keeper of the cauldron

Modron: Welsh Celtic goddess of Autumn, the harvest, magic, ritual, and fertility

Rhiannon: Welsh Celtic goddess of sunlight; her name means “the golden wheel” Read more…

Feeling really out of balance tonight. Probably has something to do with the food I ate at lunch today. A kind relative invited me over for an Easter dinner. The food was made with love but full of processed ingredients, which makes my body feel ill. When my body feels ill, my spirit often feels ill too. I can’t do much for my body, so I’m focusing on my spirit. Found a nice playlist of music on youtube with pagan-themed lyrics. The music is very hypnotic, probably because it’s a lot like chanting, with simple accompaniment that makes it even more peaceful. I believe I’ll light some incense too. Most incense makes my asthma go crazy, but I found some that’s very natural and it doesn’t bother me. It’s so soothing and nice smelling.

I watched a very moving documentary (I guess you would call it that) on Netflix the other day. It was called Mythic Journeys. I took some notes, so when I’m in the right frame of mind I’ll compile my thoughts together and share them with you. I highly suggest you find this documentary and watch it. It starts out a bit oddly, but once you get the feel for where it is headed and hear the various speakers, I think you’ll find it full of wisdom and very beautiful. It has rekindled my life-long love and appreciation for mythology.

Article: The Ancient Sumerian Origins of the Easter Story

Very fascinating article. Mythology is such a beautiful thing!


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